
Search Options

WOODAN Caskmarks has been set up to provide an overview of marks on casks and to enable specific searches for particular marks on casks using their associated specifications. A description of the fields is provided under the heading "Description of the fields". You can search by characteristics of the mark, the date of the mark or the design of the mark.

Characteristics of the mark:

  • ID Cask mark (Id number of a specific cask mark)
  • Town (in which the mark was found)
  • Associated product
    • Dry goods: food
    • Dry goods: merchandise
    • Wet goods: Alcoholics
    • Wet goods: drinks
    • Wet goods: foodstuffs
  • Mark location on cask
    • Head: inside
    • Head: outside
    • Bilge bottom
    • Bilge center
    • Bilge center near hole
    • Unknown
    • Does not apply
  • Type of mark
    • Construction Marks
    • Count mark
    • Property mark
    • Gauge mark
    • Unknown type
  • Context type
    • Maritime
    • Urban
    • Archival source
    • Countryside
  • Method of application
    • Timber scribe
    • Knife
    • Branding iron
    • Compass
    • Painted mark
    • Ink
    • Strike mark
    • Timber scribe or knife
    • Unknown

The date of the mark:

  • Startdate and enddate of context
  • Startdate and enddate of dendrochronological analyses

The design of the mark:

Each mark can be divided into specific elements. These elements can be entered separately into a search field, allowing for easy searching of similarly designed marks. For instance, a hashtag symbol (#) can be searched for by entering “2” in the field Horizontal stripes and “2” in the field Vertical stripes. The search field options are: Horizontal stripes, Vertical stripes, Diagonal stipes, Waving lines, Circles, Half Circles, Dots, Crosses, Numbers, Figures, V-Shapes, W-Shapes and Letters.

Description of cask mark types

To understand the use and significance of these marks, several types of cask marks were distinguished. These types are categorized based on their intended purpose. The marks served various functions, ranging from quantification and indicating ownership to the gauge or production process. The following types of cask marks have been distinguished:

Construction mark

The construction marks were applied during the production phase or repair of the casks by the cooper (Fig. 1). These marks are found on the bilge or heads of a cask and are usually of a relatively simple design. By marking lines when laying out the staves or head parts, it becomes easy to return a component to its correct place. This type of marking was often made with a knife, though in some cases, a timber scribe was used.

Figure1: An example of a V shaped construction mark on a head (ID0428).

Count mark

The count was used to quantify casks or the load they carried (Fig. 2). The design of this cask mark type consists of a system of lines and cross lines. The combination of these lines indicates a number. The count marks are usually applied with either a knife of timber scribe on the bilge of exterior of a head.

Figure 2: An example of a count mark on a stave (ID0777).

Gauge mark

The gauge mark served to show that an independent party had verified the prescribed specifications of the cask, the volume of the content or the correct handling of the contents of the cask. This cask mark type was mostly applied with a timber scribe on the bilge near the bung hole.

The design of the gauge mark varies depending on the transported product. For instance, wine gaugers marks were detailed because the amount of wine in the barrel was indicated in the gauge mark (Fig. 3_1). For herring casks, the gauge marks could consist of a series of circles (Fig. 3_2). When inspecting the specifications of the barrel as packaging material, a mark from the inspector or the city where the gauging process was carried out was usually placed on the barrel (Fig. 3_3).

Figure 3: Three examples of gauge marks, 1: wine gauge mark (ID0340), 2: gauge mark on herring cask (ID0584), 3: gauge mark of the city of Leiden (ID0417).

Property mark: Coopers' mark

This mark is applied by the cooper after the cask's production process is complete. It serves to quantify the cooper's production and to trace the producer in case of a poorly made cask. The coopers’ mark was applied using either a timber scribe or, in some cases, with a knife. This cask mark type, is placed on the inside or outside of the heads of bilge (Fig. 4). The design is consists of a monogram or simple combination of lines or circles.

Figure 4: A coopers’ mark on the inside of head (ID0641).

Property mark: Merchants mark

The merchants’ mark was applied by the producers of the packaged merchandise or the intermediary who traded them. This type of mark was usually applied with a timber scribe and was placed on the outside of the head or bilge. The design of the merchant's marks was often linked to the merchant, as they typically included a monogram made from the merchant's initials. This cask mark type was applied with a timber scribe, branding iron, strike mark or paint.

Figure 5: An example merchants marks on a head applied with a timber scribe and paint (ID0144).

Property mark: Other mark

Property marks that cannot be interpreted as merchant's mark or cooper's mark fall into the category of "Other Property Marks." This category includes marks that can be linked to a producing organization, such as a brewery (Fig. 5). This cask mark type was placed on the outside of the head or bilge using timber scribe, branding iron, strike mark or paint. The design of the mark varies greatly.

Figure 6: An example of a painted property mark of a brewery (ID0392).

Description of the tabs


This is the homepage where you can find search fields for the characteristics, date, or design of the mark. The search results will display an image of the mark along with its type and the ID number of the cask mark.

By clicking on any individual cask mark, you can select it. Upon selection, you will be directed to a page displaying all the available information for that particular mark. Often, not every field will have data. By using the ‘Show empty fields’ option, you can choose to display these fields or keep them hidden.


The table tab displays the search results in a tabular format. By default, the table shows the ID number, image, type of cask mark, location of the mark on the cask, method of application, and the municipality where the mark was found. The search field at the top of this tab allows you to search across all available fields in the database, so also fields that aren’t shown in the table tab display.


The maps tab displays the search results on a map, with each icon representing an individual cask mark. It is advisable to zoom in closely, as many of the cask marks were found in close proximity, causing the icons to often overlap.

How to add new marks

New marks can be added to WOODAN Cask marks by completing the input file downloadable from this link. This file can be sent to WOODAN by email. These data will be verified by one of the involved researchers to ensure the reliability of the information in WOODAN Cask marks. After this verification, the data will be made available online.


The development of Woodan Caskmarks has been supported by a grant from the Samenwerkende Maritieme Fondsen.

WOODAN Cask marks is connected to the article: Oosterbaan, J. (in preparation). Marks on Casks.

The database model was made by Jeroen Oosterbaan. Data entry was done by Liam Tran, Wouter Donders and Jeroen Oosterbaan.

Description of the fields

All fields of WOODAN Cask marks are listed in the table below, along with their descriptions, possible options, and field types.

Field name Field type Options Dutch translation Remark Field shown in Home tab Field shown in Tables tab
Cask mark type Drop-down list Type tonmerk x x
Construction mark Constructiemerk
Count mark Telmerk
Property mark: Coopers' mark Eigendomsmerk: Kuipersmerk
Property mark: Merchants' mark Eigendomsmerk: Handelaarsmerk
Property mark: Other mark Eigendomsmerk: Overig
Gauge mark IJkmerk
Unknown type Onbekend type
Unknown / not filled in Onbekend / niet ingevuld
ID-Cask mark Numeric, integer x x
Mark location on cask Drop-down list Locatie van tonmerk (op de ton) x x
Head: inside Bodem: binnenkant
Head: outside Bodem: Buitenkant
Bilge bottom Buik onderkant
Bilge center Buik centraal
Bilge center near hole Buikcentraal bij gat
Unknown Onbekend
Does not apply Niet van toepassing Example: marks from archival sources
Method of application Drop-down list Wijze van aanbrengen x x
Timber Scribe Ritsmes
Knife Mes
Branding iron Brandmerk
Compass Passer
Painted mark Geschilderd merk
Ink Inkt
Timber scribe or knife Ritsmes of mes When not clear if the mark was placed by eigther a timber scribe or knife
Strike mark Slagstempel
Unknown Onbekend
Mark over number of staves Numeric, integer Over aantal duigen
Height (mm) Numeric, integer Hoogte (mm) Length of the mark measured along the length of the stave
Width (mm) Numeric, integer Breedte (mm) Width of the mark measured along the width of the stave
Complete cask mark? Yes / No Compleet merkteken?
Context (project name) Text Naam onderzoek
Context type Drop-down list Context type x x
Maritime Maritiem
Urban Stadskern
Archival source Archiefbron
Countryside Buitengebied
Unknown Onbekend
Town Text Plaats x x
LongRDX Numeric, integer Coördinaat (Longitude, lengtegraad)
LatRDY Numeric, integer Coördinaat (Latitude, breedtegraad)
Data controller Text Data controller Name of the person who checked or entered the data
Associated product Drop-down list Geassocieerd vervoerd product x x
Dry goods, Food, Other food Droge waar, Etenswaar, Etenswaar overig
Dry goods, Food, Cereals Droge Waar, Etenswaar, Granen
Dry goods, Food, Vegetable Droge waar, Etenswaar, Groente
Dry goods, Food, Herring Droge waar, Etenswaar, Haring
Dry goods, Food, Nuts Droge waar, Etenswaar, Noten
Dry goods, Food, Oil Droge waar, Etenswaar, Olie
Dry goods, Food, Spice Droge waar, Etenswaar, Specerij
Dry goods, Food, Fish other Droge waar, Etenswaar, Vis overig
Dry goods, Food, Meat Droge waar, Etenswaar, Vlees
Dry goods, Food, Fruit Droge waar, Etenswaar, Vrucht
Dry goods, Food, Mollusc Droge waar, Etenswaar, Weekdieren
Dry goods, Food, Seeds Droge waar, Etenswaar, Zaden
Dry goods, Food, Salmon Droge waar, Etenswaar, Zalm
Dry goods, Food, Dairy food Droge waar, Etenswaar, Zuivelproduct
Dry goods, Merchandise, Fuel Droge waar, Handelswaar, Brandstof
Dry goods, Merchandise, Other raw material Droge waar, Handelswaar, Grondstof overig
Dry goods, Merchandise, Other merchandise Droge waar, Handelswaar, Handelswaar overig
Dry goods, Merchandise, Gunpowder Droge waar, Handelswaar, Kruit
Dry goods, Merchandise, Cloth Droge waar, Handelswaar, Laken
Dry goods, Merchandise, Metals Droge waar, Handelswaar, Metalen
Dry goods, Merchandise, Stone Droge waar, Handelswaar, Natuursteen
Dry goods, Merchandise, Pitch Droge waar, Handelswaar, Pek
Dry goods, Merchandise, Tobacco Droge waar, Handelswaar, Tabak
Dry goods, Merchandise, Tar Droge waar, Handelswaar, Teer
Dry goods, Merchandise, Soap Droge waar, Handelswaar, Zeep
Wet goods, Alcoholics, Beer Natte waar, Alcoholische dranken, Bier
Wet goods, Alcoholics, Other distilled drinks Natte waar, Alcoholische dranken, Gedestilleerd overig
Wet goods, Alcoholics, Mead Natte waar, Alcoholische dranken, Mede
Wet goods, Alcoholics, Wine Natte waar, Alcoholische dranken, Wijn
Wet goods, Drinks, Water Natte waar, Dranken, Water
Wet goods, Foodstuffs, Vinegar Natte waar, Etenswaar, Azijn
Wet goods, Foodstuffs, Other foodstuffs Natte waar, Etenswaar, Etenswaar overig
Wet goods, Foodstuffs, Dairy product Natte waar, Etenswaar, Zuivelproduct
Wet goods, Textile industry, Other Natte waar, Textielindustie, Overig
Tranche ID Numeric, integer Werkputnummer
Feature ID Numeric, integer Spoornummer
Find ID Numeric, integer Vondstnummer
WOODAN ID Numeric, integer WOODAN ID Link to WOODAN site
Archis ID Numeric, integer Archis-nummer
Date context start Numeric, integer Datering context, start x
Date context end Numeric, integer Datering context, einde x
Date history start Numeric, integer Datering archiefbron, start
Date history end Numeric, integer Datering archiefbron, einde
Date dendro start Numeric, integer Datering dendro, start x
Date dendro end Numeric, integer Datering dendro, einde x
Provenance Drop-down list Herkomst hout
Rhineland Rijnland
Meuse valley / Germany Maasvallei / Duitsland
North German plane Noord-Duitse Laagvlakte
Poland Polen
Baltic region Balticum
Southern Scandinavia Zuid-Scandinavië
England Engeland
France Frankrijk
France, Loire valley Frankrijk, Loirevallei
France, Burgundy Frankrijk, Bourgogne
Liechtenstein Liechtenstein
Tropical hardwood Tropisch hardhout
Eastern Poland / Belarus Oost-Polen / Wit-Rusland
Belgium België
Unclear Onduidelijk
Not determined Niet bepaald
Sapwood Yes / No Spinthout aanwezig?
Dendrochronological quality Numeric, integer Kwaliteit dendrochronologie
Number of tree-rings Numeric, integer Aantal jaarringen

You can download the manual here

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