Home > ID=818 > Detail

Property mark: Merchants mark

ID Cask mark:818
Context (project name):Molenweg 69a
Context types:Urban
Tranche ID:
Feature ID:15
Find ID:
Woodan ID:
Archis ID:2448463100
Dataverse ID:
Mark location on cask:Bilge center
Method of application:Timber Scribe
Associated product:Unknown
Height (mm):
Width (mm):
Complete cask mark?No
Mark over number of staves:1
Date context start:1600
Date context end:1650
Date dendro start:1588
Date dendro end:
Provenance:Eastern Poland / Belarus
Sapwood (spint):
Date history start:
Date history end:
Associated person name:
Associated person function:
Reference:Duijn, D. M. (2016). West-Friese Archeologische Rapporten: Een woonperceel binnen de stadsuitbreiding. Archeologisch op het perceel Molenweg 69a in Enkhuizen (94). Archeologie West-Friesland. https://archisarchief.cultureelerfgoed.nl/Archis3/Zaakdocumenten/244/2448463/afm/37159084-afm-1475072846597-AWF_WAR_94_Enkhuizen_Molenweg%2069a.pdf
Data controller:Liam Tran
Remarks:It is unknown where exactly on the bilge it was positioned due to insufficient picture. No measurements can be taken due to the lack of a scale on the picture. Dendro based on dendrochronological analysis of six staves from the same barrel, although it is unknown if it includes the marks.
Horizontal stripes:1
Vertical stripes :
Diagonal stripes:1
Waving lines:
Half circles:
Numbers or years: