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ID Cask mark:704
Context (project name):Heereweg, Waterrijk, Lioba-klooster, Egmond -Binnen
Context types:Countryside
Tranche ID:1
Feature ID:4
Find ID:
Woodan ID:
Archis ID:4556650100
Dataverse ID:
Mark location on cask:Head: outside
Method of application:Timber Scribe
Associated product:Unknown
Height (mm):
Width (mm):
Complete cask mark?Yes
Mark over number of staves:2
Date context start:1400
Date context end:1600
Date dendro start:1478
Date dendro end:1561
Sapwood (spint):
Date history start:
Date history end:
Associated person name:
Associated person function:
Reference:de Koning, J., van Raaij, M., & Tuinman, N. C. (2021). Hollandia reeks: Tussen Egmond Waterrijk en Lioba. Een verdwenen buurtschap van Egmond-Binnen uit de 14e eeuw tot 1573 en een lijnbaan van de duin boerderij Waterrijk uit de late 17e en vroege 18e eeuw (900). Hollandia archeologen.
Data controller:Liam Tran
Remarks:No measurements were able to made due to lack of scale on the image. Dendrochronological analysis suggests that three of the staves were felled in 1561, 1478 and 1551 in Northern France, but it is unknown if it includes the mark.
Horizontal stripes:
Vertical stripes :1
Diagonal stripes:
Waving lines:
Half circles:
Numbers or years: